B Side Bangers

Thelmz the Fluffer

Mondays 4PM - 6PM

DJ Thelmz the Fluffer was last cruising the Beagle airwaves from 2015 – 2018. After a long hiatus she has returned with more side B vinyl bangers than you can shake a stick at. Thelmz enjoys playing a wide range of genres, with an ever-present jazz undertone. She’s not afraid of a tambourine or two, and did somebody mention cowbell?! Thelmz knows her stuff, and they don’t call her The Fluffer for nothin’.
She likes her audience to sit back and relax into the soothing rhythm and beats to get you in the mood, or to shake off your stressful day. You choose.


Genre: No genre available yet.
Bands: No bands available yet.

Interview: No interview available yet.

DJ Thelmz in the Studio