The Drop-In Show
Everyone!! Newbies & veterans together
No Set Time/Day N/A
**Shows have started back for 2022**
The Drop In Show is a show dedicated to onboarding new DJs, upskilling current DJs on the tech stuff in the studio, and for anyone that wants to come hang out and find out a little more about Beagle.
We’ll take you through how the studio runs, the multiple different ways to play your music on air, and the general kaupapa in our Beagle Radio community.
If you want to know more about becoming a Beagle DJ, find out more here.
Shows will now be conducted on an as per need basis. Please contact us through the Join page so we can take you through the onboarding process.
Ngā mihi!
Genre: No genre available yet.
Bands: Anything Goes!! This will be a mishmash happy hour where you get to sample what our new DJs will be bringing to Beagle!
Interview: No interview available yet.